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Updated:2020-02-19    Views:66    Download:0

There’s a very simple way to test an AC Solid State Relay. All you need is a 9 volt battery, a 40-100 Watt light bulb, and an AC source (your wall outlet will be it). Figure 1 shows the way these devices should be connected. The DC control voltage will be your 9-volt battery with “+” connected to terminal 3 and “-“ connected to terminal 4.On the load side (terminals 1 and 2) you will have your light bulb (load) with one terminal connected to one side of the AC source (wall outlet) and the other terminal connected to terminal 2 of the relay (it can be connected to terminal 1 as they are electrically equivalent). The other wire of your AC source should be connected to terminal 1 of the relay to close the circuit.