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Selecting a Solid State Relay or a Solid State Contactor for start/stop control of an AC motor

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Updated:2020-02-19    Views:215    Download:0

Solid State Relays (SSRs) and Solid State Contactors (SSCs) are ideally suited for controlling dynamic loads such as motors, particularly where frequent or multiple start/stop cycles are required in an application. Proper selection of a Solid State Relay/Solid State Contactor to reliably start and stop a motor in a given application requires an understanding of the demands placed on the Solid State Control by the motor and application. Motor Control ratings in Horse Power (HP) or Kilowatt (KW) available on many Crydom Solid State Relays and Contactors takes the guess work out and greatly simplifies the selection process, but Solid State Relays with only General Purpose Ratings can also be used to control motors.